
Hungarian Pianist's great performance last night

Evening News

The eminent Hungarian pianist Vasary Tamas and ballerina Henriett Tunyogi performed the Sonata of Dance" -piano/ballet concert held last night in the People's Hall. The two exerted extreme beauty in both visual and aural aesthetics.

People's Hall remained quiet and cold with a grand piano on stage alone, until the pianist appeared on stage and took a quick bow, before quickly emerging into the piano. The only surviving disciple of the Hungarian composer Dohnanyi, Vasary performed The Marocek Suite with virtuosic accuracy and great sensitivity. In Debussy's Claire de Lune, ballerina Tunyogi with her refined dance movements, displayed not only a great classical beauty, but reinforced the poetic quality of the French composer.

The performance last night was a part of the Hungarian Cultural Office's event, the couple presented the audience Rite of Spring, Mazurka, Moonlight Sonata among other famous classical works. The combination of piano's virtuosity and ballet's elegance formed a new genre of the visual arts, The event was well received with enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Translated by Sherry Shieh Sept,24, 2007